
Insurance and Wellness Blog

6 Fire Prevention Tips

Posted by kapnick on Oct 6, 2014 8:10:49 AM

Fire prevention safety week 2014 is here - here are 6 tips on how to prevent and be ready in case of a fire.PropertyManagement







  1. Buy smoke detectors if you don't have any - and check the batteries and test regularly. It is recommended that you test smoke detectors every month.
  2. Put together a fire escape plan - include a designated meeting place outside of the home. Plan on practicing your escape plan twice a year.
  3. Stop. Drop. and Roll - children should be taught this technique to use if their clothes are on fire.
  4. Create an emergency supply kit - include things like blankets, flashlight and water- keep it in your car so can access it easily.
  5. Gather a list of emergency contact numbers - keep it in your emergency supply kit.
  6. Buy a fireproof safe - store important documents like birth certificates and financial documents in the safe or even store them in a safe deposit box.

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