
Insurance and Wellness Blog

Do you know the health of your Employee population?

Posted by Kapnick Insurance Group on Sep 20, 2016 4:55:42 PM


According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 7 out of 10 Americans die each year from chronic diseases, many of which are preventable.  

Many of your employees are not seeking preventive care (i.e. annual physical) and therefore are unaware of their health status.  Each year, Kapnick strive® conducts thousands of biometric screenings for employees all across the United States as part of our comprehensive wellness program.  Our biometric screenings consist of several health measures including Blood Pressure, Cholesterol, Body Mass Index and Glucose.

Following each screening, we compile the results to create an aggregate report.  The aggregate report displays the health of an organization’s health status as a whole.  It does not list each employee’s health results.  Based on the aggregate results, we develop an ongoing calendar of various education and events to address the top risk areas for that particular employee population. 

Our Wellness Team, utilizing our Kapnick strive® tool, thought it would be interesting to take a look at an aggregate report compiled of all of our 2015 screenings that we performed for our clients.

Download and take a peek!

How do you think the health of your workforce compares with these national wellness trends? 

Contact Kapnick today.



Topics: Industry Focus - Wellness