
Insurance and Wellness Blog

Health Coach Corner - 4 New Uses of Cloves

Posted by kapnick on Jan 9, 2012 9:38:56 AM

Health Coach Corner by Maria Hicks

I read a lot of online health information and subscribe to several magazines, I love learning new and interesting tips – and I am pleased to share them with my readers! This week, I want to share something very interesting I read in my Health magazine. Its 4 surprising uses for cloves, when I think of cloves, I think of fall spices and cool weather. Break out this winter spice to clear up colds, mold and skin problems.


A tea that contains cloves can help you clear a respiratory infection. Cloves work as an expectorant, loosening mucus in the throat and esophagus so you can cough it up. Try combining 2 cloves, a stick of cinnamon, and 2 crushed cardamom seeds in an infuser; place a large mug with a black tea bag. Add boiling water and let steep for 1-2 minutes.

All-Natural Sachet:

To give your clothes an intoxicating aroma, toss a few whole cloves in the bottom of an old clean sock and tie with a ribbon. The spicy scent covers up odors and keeps your stuff smelling fresh. Swap out the cloves every 2-4 weeks so the scent stays sweet and spicy.

Breakout Buster:

The spice helps clear acne, thanks to eugenol, a natural antiseptic that balances the skin, stopping future breakouts. Combine 1 tsp ground cloves, 1 tsp honey and 3 drops fresh lemon juice in a small bowl. Apply to your entire face and leave on for 20 minutes, then rinse with cold water.


Got mold? Skip harsh chemicals. Add a dash of clove oil (about ½ tsp) to 2 cups water and pour into a spray bottle.

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