
Insurance and Wellness Blog

Spring Running Tips

Posted by kapnick on May 9, 2014 6:10:54 AM

Corporate Wellness Coordinator Corporate Wellness Coordinator

Since the weather is finally getting warmer and there are more daylight hours in the day – it is time to start running outdoors!! It is important to incorporate the following tips if the winter months have kept you’re from exercising.

Ease Into It Of course you want to pick up where you left off last fall, but you must be careful about increasing your miles too quickly. Increasing your miles to quickly will make you more prone to an injury. I bet you would be bummed if you missed out on the great running weather! A good rule to go by for increasing miles is no more than 10-percent each week. For example, if you run 15 miles during your first week back, run no more than 16.5 miles the following week.

Make sure your running shoes are in good shape It is easy to forget how old or worn your running shoes might be. Ask yourself when was the last time you replaced your running shoes? If you can’t remember, then you are probably ready for some new ones. Running shoes should be replaced every 300 to 500 miles; it varies depending on your weight, gait and shoe type. Also, you might want to try keeping a running log sheet; it is a great way to track your progress and will help you keep track of your miles (which will help you know when new shoes are needed).

Be ready for the weather Spring time is very unpredictable; make sure you are prepared for any kind of weather. For those cold morning runs, make sure to wear long pants, gloves, and a hat. Also make sure you have a water resistant jacket for those spring showers.

Watch out for those allergies If seasonal allergies are an issue for you considering joining a local gym or investing in some home exercise equipment. If running outside causes your allergies to act up, you are less likely to get outside for that run. If you stay indoors, you won’t miss out on your spring training and your allergies will stay under control.

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