
Insurance and Wellness Blog

Worksite Wellness: Health Screenings Are Complete…..Now what?

Posted by Sarah Szul on Mar 13, 2015 9:23:26 AM

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In my last blog, I talked about the benefits of offering health screenings as part of a worksite wellness program. Something to consider is what to do once those screenings are completed and participants receive their results - ask yourself these questions:

  • Do they understand what they mean?
  • What is the value of providing health screenings if participants don’t pay attention to their results?
  • What if they don't know what  their numbers mean?

Throughout my career, I have attended many health screening events. In speaking with participants, I am always surprised at how many people have no idea what their “numbers” are, such as cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure. You can bet that you have participants in your program that have no idea what any of their values mean or whether they are out of range or within normal limits. So what is the solution? Consider adding a health coach to offer individual “review of findings” sessions or group “understanding your numbers” classes.


The health coach’s role is essential in helping participants understand their numbers. Typically, the health coach will review the participant’s lab results with them and explain what each value means and what was normal. Then, the health coach will talk about how lifestyle habits affect their values. For example, an employee who is sedentary and consumes a high-sodium diet could have high blood pressure. The next step would be to educate that participant to start tracking their sodium intake and find small ways to increase the amount of physical activity in their day. Health coaches should not overwhelm participants, but educate them on how small changes can make a big difference in their overall health.


Health coaches are an important asset to include post-screenings to help participants understand their results, encourage them to follow-up with their physician if needed and educate them on small steps that they can take to improve their health.

Download a "Know Your Numbers" Cheat Sheet NOW!

Below are some links to articles for some examples and  ideas - good luck!

Health Coach = http://www.acefitness.org/fitness-certifications/health-coach-certification/default.aspx

Offering health screenings = http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/WorkplaceWellness/WorkplaceWellnessResources/Employers-are-increasingly-using-workplace-health-screenings_UCM_468367_Article.jsp


Sarah Szul - Wellness Team Leader



Topics: Health and Wellness - Health Coach Corner