
Insurance and Wellness Blog

3 Steps to Better Communicate Workplace Wellness

Posted by kapnick on Jan 22, 2015 3:52:00 PM

twitter-tidbitsAs we are all well aware, we live in a world of daily information overload. It’s more important than ever how we communicate to others especially when it comes to promoting worksite wellness programs. When it comes to wellness initiatives, we generally communicate to participants to initiate some type of action on their part. However, communicating and getting participants to take action are two different aspects. But if we effectively communicate, action will be taken.

When communicating and engaging employees regarding wellness, it can be a challenge as one’s journey to better health is unique to that person. Using different mechanisms will help to reach a broader audience.

 Below are 3 steps for creating an engaging communication strategy:

Step 1 – Sequence the Communication

Step 2 – Develop Tidbits to Communicate

Step 3 – Utilize a Mix of Media


Step 1: Sequence the Communication

The first step is to acknowledge the wealth of information we receive daily. Some days I feel like I don’t have enough time in the day to read through each and every email I receive.   Instead of trying to cram all of the information into one communication piece, consider structuring it into tidbits throughout a series of messages spaced over time.

Step 2: Develop Tidbits to Communicate

Take the information to present to employees and use an extended period to relay the information over a week or even a month. Develop a theme such as focusing on incorporating movement as a key focus.

For example, divide the information into three messages to engage employee involvement to promote moving different ways each day:

1. Don’t just sit there

2. Stretch at your desk/workstation

3. Move more today, work towards 10-15 minute intervals a few times each day

Ask these questions to employees: Are you able to incorporate more movement throughout the day? At your desk? More steps? Do you feel better when you move more in short increments? What excuses are coming up for you not to get up and move?

 Step 3: Utilize a Mix of Media

For the three examples of messages above, utilize a mix of media and technology to help portray the messages in a fun and interactive fashion with fun facts, infographics, videos, cartoons, quizzes and quotes. Use a wellness article on movement or a fact to support your message.   Another fun idea is to supplement with a quote or words of wisdom.



Remember, each individual's  journey to better health is unique to that person. Using different mechanisms will help to reach a broader audience and ultimately increase engagement. Good luck!

Sarah Szul - Wellness Team Leader