
Insurance and Wellness Blog

Employee Benefits - Angela's Outlook

Posted by kapnick on Nov 16, 2012 2:37:07 PM

Introducing Angela Dean: Entry Level Blogger

By definition entry level means that “prior experience in a field or profession is not a requirement”. Therefore, let me introduce myself.
My name is Angela Dean and I am an Entry Level Blogger. Welcome to my first blog.

Although I’m new to blogging, I’m not new to employee benefits. As a matter of fact I have more experience than I like to admit. If I told you my experience, you might be able to calculate my age and I’m thinking we’ll save that until we get to know each other better. My weekly blogs will focus on all aspects of employee benefits from life insurance to health care reform as well as feature some case studies - showcasing important lessons learned while working with clients. Each week I will introduce a new and exciting topic.

Yes Insurance is exciting!

Stay tuned for next week’s Blog: Why Getting Rid of your Employee Benefit Plans and Letting Employees Fend For Themselves is NOT a Projected Trend in Employee Benefits.

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