
Insurance and Wellness Blog

Health Coach Corner - Fiber Frenzy

Posted by kapnick on Mar 12, 2012 2:46:14 PM

Health Coach Corner by Maria Hicks

You have probably heard a lot about fiber and maybe you already eat a high fiber diet (good for you!) Or maybe you’re trying to increase fiber or maybe you have no idea what it is and how to get more fiber in your diet.

If you aim to eat a diet high in fiber, you will automatically eat a diet lower in fat. High fiber foods (plant foods) are naturally low in fat. Fiber is very important because it fills you up on fewer calories and it keeps you feeling full. Why? It slows down the rate of digestion, so you are satisfied for a longer period of time. That means – eating fewer calories – which equals weight loss or weight maintenance. Fiber is also important for people with high cholesterol. Fibrous foods help bind with cholesterol in the body and whisk it away before all the cholesterol can be absorbed into your blood stream. Pretty cool, right? Fiber will help lower your total cholesterol and help raise your GOOD (HDL) cholesterol.

Here are some high fiber foods to get in your diet on a daily basis. Aim for 25-40 grams of fiber a day!


  • Vegetables
  • Avocados (12 grams in a medium avocado)
  • Lentils
  • Beans (all kinds)
  • Whole wheat
  • Oat bran
  • Oatmeal
  • Quinoa
  • Wheat germ
  • Wheat bran
  • Corn
  • Split peas
  • Brown rice
  • Flaxseed
  • Chia Seeds

And the list goes on… think PLANT FOODS. Animal foods have no fiber; so eat more whole grains, fruits & veggies! Enjoy filling up on fewer calories, lowering your cholesterol and keeping your digestive tract happy with regular bowel movements.

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