
Insurance and Wellness Blog

Allergies anyone? Health Coach Corner

Posted by kapnick on Apr 2, 2012 3:16:47 PM

Health Coach Corner by Maria Hicks

Allergies anyone?

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Or, maybe yours are year-round. I suffer from some indoor allergies (which are well managed during the colder months without any medicines). But, when the spring hits – and nature is blooming, so are my allergies. I love the spring, the blossoms, the sunshine, the warmer days… and I look longingly outside and wish I could l sit in the grass and just enjoy the day. Unfortunately, my grass allergy would send me in a sneezing and miserable state. If I even spot someone mowing the lawn from a distance, I quickly run inside and shut all the windows. Ugh…

What’s your allergy? Maybe it’s grass or pollen or ragweed…

Whether your allergies are outdoor or indoor like pets or dust mites. I have a few tips I would like to share with you to help prevent and ease some of your allergy symptoms.

I’m not a medical doctor, but I have learned from my own personal experience, reading natural health blogs and from my allergist, some tips that are working for me. I hope these will be helpful to you too, if you are a fellow seasonal allergy sufferer.

Boost the immune system with plenty of antioxidants – Let me encourage you to eat plenty of fruits & vegetables and really boost the antioxidant level in your body during allergy season (better yet, all year-round!!)

HYDRATION – drinks LOTS (I mean, lots) of water on a daily basis. If you drink caffeine, then you will need to drink even more water. Most people are actually dehydrated and dehydration has been linked to worsening of allergies.

Avoid your worst allergen (at best as you can) – if it’s grass (like mine) avoid going outside when you know someone is mowing their lawn, keep your doors and windows closed, vacuum and dust everyday if you are allergic to dust mites or pet hair. Clean your bathroom to avoid mold growth and if you are allergic to mold, look into getting a whole house mold check if you have concerns.

Nasal Rinses – At first, I was afraid to even try the nasal rinses, (squirting water in my nose? Hello. Where is it going? Is it bad for my brain?) I didn’t understand the anatomy of the nasal area. You gently squeeze a saline solution into one nostril and it comes out the other. It’s simple and I find this VERY effective. I’ve been nasal rinsing 2 times a day for several years. I can say, it helps me – if you have concerns, check with your doctor or allergist first

OTC allergy medicines – This was actually my last resort because I don’t like taking medicines. But, I have found a low dose of an OTC allergy med during my worst allergy season has helped me tremendously. Ask your doctor or allergist which is best for you.

Herbal Supplements – I’m not a qualified herbalist to suggest any particular herbal supplement, but I know there are several that have been successful for people in lieu of taking a prescription or an OTC allergy med. Talk to your allergist or a qualified natural health provider for guidance.







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