
Insurance and Wellness Blog

Sarah Says - Get Moving!

Posted by kapnick on Jul 7, 2011 9:30:01 AM

Sarah Says – by Sarah Szul, Health Management Coordinator


With our busy lives it's easy to put everything else before ourselves. Even though this may be true everyone can find the time for 15 minutes of physical activity, a little exercise is better than none.

Just take 15 minutes out of your day, 2-3 times per week, and you’ll see how mentally refreshed you will feel. And, getting away from your desk/work gives your eyes and brain a necessary break. You'll come back feeling revived and ready to tackle more tasks on your to-do list!

Summer can be hot and humid, so maybe 15 minutes is all a person can devote to activity and exercise. Try exercising early in the morning or later in the evening when the temps have dropped a bit. Here are some great 15-minute, calorie-burning activities, all based on a 165-pound person. If a person weighs more, they will burn more calories and vice versa:

1. Running at a pace of 5 mph (12-minute miles): 150 calories

2. Walking at a pace of 3 mph (20-minute miles): 62 calories

3. Biking at a moderate pace of 12 mph: 150 calories

4. Stretching: 47 calories

5. Swimming laps at a moderate pace: 150 calories

6. Strength training (light, free-weight): 56 calories

7. Frisbee: 56 calories

8. Jumping rope: 188 calories

9. Tennis (general): 130 calories

10. Gardening: 75 calories


Source - A Healthier Michigan

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